There are a lot of Mom written frugal blogs that have a post or six about making money on the internet. I have read several that talk about replacing their paycheck with various paid surveys and such. I have tried many of these sites and I have certainly not generated anything resembling a paycheck I would get from a job. This is largely because some of them give you the big rewards for referrals, of which I get none. There are, however, a couple of sites that have generated some noteworthy bonus cash.
InboxDollars-Sign up and read the emails that they send to your InboxDollars account (they don’t fill up your regular email box) and earn $0.03 each. Sometimes they send you invites to answer surveys which, if you qualify for, can earn $0.50-$2.00. In addition, you can earn a percentage of some online purchases, or for signing up at other sites. When you accrue $30.00 you can request a check. Your first check takes about a month or two to arrive in the mail, but subsequent checks are processed in a week. I signed up for InboxDollars in the summer of 2010 and I have received one check for $40.12. I requested the check on September 10, and it arrived in early November. I currently have $25.66 earned, so I am close to requesting another check.
I don’t spend a lot of time using InboxDollars, and will sometimes not check those emails for long periods of time. Considering what little I put into it, I think it is a nice little bonus. They even give you $5 to start when you sign up. Interested? Click the banner below
Swag Bucks-Download the toolbar and you can earn Swagbucks for internet searches. Like InBox Dollars, you can also earn for surveys, online shopping and several other ways. They frequently release codes worth various amounts of SB, and sometimes they have a code hunt where they give you clues and you have to go find the code. The code hunts can be really fun or really frustrating, depending on the day and the value of the code. The Swagbucks can be redeemed for a large variety of prizes including gift cards. I cash all of my Swagbucks in for gift cards so that I can buy whatever I want on Amazon. Since April 18, 2010 I have redeemed $80 in Amazon gift cards which I have used to purchase household items, and gifts. Click the banner to sign up.
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