Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

While I fully acknowledge that Mother’s Day is essentially a contrived Hallmark holiday, and that good mothers should receive thanks and appreciation every day, I still love Mother’s Day morning.

This morning I awoke to the kids doing their Sunday chores early so that the rest of the day would be free to do whatever I wanted. Seriously, the chore charts are really helping, I highly recommend them! Mike went and got donuts (at my request, he wasn’t being lazy) and helped keep the kids focused on their jobs. At breakfast, I was showered with the wonderful things the kids made for me at school. Actually, M gave me her gift the second she got off of the bus on Friday, but she re-presented them this morning. 

Mom's Day loot!
Pot decoration from my oldest
Mike went out to trim the hedges and mow the lawn and O brought me some of the clippings as a flower bouquet, which you can see in the vase with M’s hand print flowers.
As an added bonus, I looked at the garden to find that our artichokes are coming in! 
Check out the free and all natural pest control!

Later, I will be going to my mom’s for a bit. Her gift this year is that I am finally transferring all of the kids’ and grand kids’ height marks from the hallway at my house (my childhood home) to her new house.

I hope all of the great moms are having a good day, and that your kids give you one day of NOT reminding you why some animals eat their young.

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog Naomi. You should update more often.

    Not that I can really talk, but hey. Do more! :D
